Logistics Marketing

The logistics sector of India, which emerged as a lifeline during the recent COVID pandemic, has been instrumental in not only keeping the essential supplies running but also performed remarkably in carrying out the massive task of vaccine supply chain. And in the coming days, the sector is about to become a powerful supportive pillar of infrastructure for the country’s growth narrative, post COVID.

Supported by positive international trade environment, and possibilities of India becoming one among the largest manufacturing hubs in the world, the full potential for Logistics Marketing is only just becoming visible. The sector has undergone disruptive transformation in the past few years, powered by rapid tech adoption and supportive policy developments, like government push to develop dedicated freight corridors, focus on increased network of roads and highways, and a generous allowance to railways. Under such circumstances, it is valid to say that rapid growth translates into fierce competition and, one that is going to drive the logistics sector to focus as much on the operational efficacy and performance as it is on its modern logistics marketing strategy!

Even as the roles and responsibilities of the sector has expanded, so has the role of marketing, which has drastically evolved and now encompasses not just creating business and positive visibility, but building an entire robust image of a dynamic, ever evolving brand in itself! For an industry that was mostly about story goods in dingy godowns and transporting cargo, to now becoming an integral part of manufacturing, healthcare, pharma, and cold food supply chains across the globe, the sector has evolved many folds. 3PL, last mile deliveries, kitting and in-factory assembly, specialised temperature controlled storage and transport etc., have changed the face of the sector. 

However, even digitisation becomes an integral part of the operations of logistics, the logistic marketing outlook for a lot of logistics and warehousing companies continue to rely on traditional B2B formats like customer relationship management, cold calling and other forms of offline marketing, as a preferred choice. However, given the growth potential for the sector and the fast paced tech adoption across domains, this traditional approach now needs to be replaced with an integrated marketing approach that can result in effective logistics marketing strategy.

And although most logistics companies are still shying away from leveraging the full potential of digital marketing, a large pool of prospective client base continues to lean towards the world-wide-web, in search of a potential logistics and warehousing partner. Using tools like search engine optimisation, email marketing, blogs, and social media, logistics brands can engage with expert logistics marketing consultants and build brand awareness to keep top of mind recall.

Turning to digital marketing for logistics companies, it is the right time to adopt meaningful marketing strategies that can go much beyond just measuring ROI in the form of sales or revenue. Instead modern integrated logistic marketing can help measure reach, engagement, leads, emotional reaction to the brand, and alignment with core philosophies of the wider audience. It is time that Logistic companies embark on a customised and well-designed logistics marketing strategy to continue to thrive and expand in the world of the future.

Key Deliverables:

  1. Integrated Marketing Solutions: The first set of digital marketing for logistic companies is the adoption of Tech enabled solutions like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Lead Management System (LMS). However, in the case of most established logistics players they operate in silos, which is not desirable and therefore resulting on loss of potential new business opportunities, as it becomes quite difficult to convert the leads into paying customers in a timely manner. Integrating the two completely can help create a robust engagement platform, which allows a brand, to promptly and effectively engage with both existing and potential customers, ensure every possible business opportunity can be promptly handled. I can help any Logistics player, big or small to integrate, the CRM and LMS in such a manner, which will enable them to define a customer journey from a lead stage to final customer stage seamlessly. I can even help in creating customised LMS platforms for any size of business.
  2. Using LinkedIn Tools : LinkedIn is yet another platform that can be leveraged as a logistics marketing tool but continues to remains under-utilised by most companies, who tend to vaguely focus on social media marketing platforms instead. A tool known as ‘LinkedIn Sales Navigator’ can allow brands access rich data of verified corporate leads based on specifics like designation, roles, organisations and industries, to whom in mails can be shared directly to make a brand pitch. The platform also helps brand to create targeted logistics marketing campaigns, across the world. Apart from ‘LinkedIn Sales Navigator’ there are many more options available on LinkedIn, if effectively used can create phenomenal B2B Logistics marketing campaigns, leading to very high lead generation and eventually conversion.
  3. Content Marketing: From media articles and blogs to audio video and podcasts, content is now driving engagement in both English as well as other international and regional language formats, changing the dynamics of brand positioning, reach, engagement, messaging and ROI. Irrespective of the platform or the product/ service, Content marketing is one area that no logistic marketing consultant will ever overlook.
  4. Thought Leadership: Showcasing thought leadership through participation on trade platforms and promoting views and ideas that help shape the future of the logistics sector, has become key to ensuring positive visibility, and thus brand affinity among stakeholders.
  5. Public Relations: PR outreach helps brands build these narratives and create a strong media presence, thereby enabling even B2B logistic brands to gain favourable results for their integrated logistics marketing campaigns, especially when dealing with clients, government officials, traders, vendors and even when attracting talent.