Does Testimonials Work For B2B Businesses?

Do you go through reviews and testimonials, before buying a product or service? There are high chances that you do. When it comes to buying products or services, most businesses think the same way. B2B customers are more likely to check testimonials than B2C. You must have noticed that the purchase amount is generally high and also the commitment level is long term. So, it makes complete sense. Some of your current customers may like to share their opinions or feedbacks or reviews which may not be very pleasant all the time but are honest expressions, which needs to be honoured and accepted, whether you like them or not.

“Happy customers are your biggest advocates and can become your most successful sales team.” Lisa Masiello

Do Testimonials matter?

Think about a time, when you wanted to hire a contractor for your office interiors. Did you check reviews online? You must have called an acquaintance as well, to figure things out. B2B purchases are a big deal. Even if the key decision-makers do not have to take approvals, they will research. You have to understand one thing. The money is on the higher side. Thus, you should be confident, that your prospects will read testimonials.

Positive word-of-the-mouth publicity goes a long way. It can play a bigger role, in making your business a success. Researchers have found out that, 90 percent of B2B buyers check online reviews and testimonials. You should also note that customer testimonials also matter. How you behave with customers, can decide your fate in the business-to-business interactions.

Types of Testimonials

So, after you are convinced that testimonials do matter, you might want to read about some of the methods.
Video testimonials have gained a lot of importance today. Unless and until your customer visualizes it, he won’t buy. You should circulate more positive feedback videos from satisfied customers. Most millennials prefer such testimonials over text messages and paid advertisements.

Utilize social media platforms. Use Instagram as a tool to promote customer interactions. You can gain a faster response over social media today. More than half the population is on their smartphones today. So, take leverage of this new-age tool.

Incentivize customers. There are brands, which offer incentives like coupons and discounts to customers who promote their products online as well as offline.

Also, concentrate on organic searches. Google reviews is one of the factors that can make or break your business today.

Positive testimonials help in establishing your business and creates a positive rub off for the brand in the long run. Give your audience something, that they are looking forward to. Most consumers from a certain stratum have similar buying habits. You must have heard of the term ‘earned advertising.’ It is just that.

Some Key Takeaways

  • 92% of customers read online reviews before buying (Big Commerce)
  • 97% of B2B customers cited testimonials and peer recommendations as the most reliable type of content. (Demand Gen Report)
  • 72% of consumers will take action only after reading a positive review. (Search Engine Watch)

Keep in mind, that testimonials can impact your brand in ways you haven’t imagined. You can establish a wide portfolio of clients who have benefitted from your business. Posting testimonials on your website can speed up the purchase process as well. Combine the power of testimonials with the right social media messages to gain a foothold in B2B businesses.

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