Is Social Media a true driver of Reputation for businesses in 2021?

Social Media today is an inevitable part of any marketing strategy for a small business to a large organisation. The social media feeds for businesses speak volumes of their market presence, customer engagement, and current products and services.

“Social Media spark a revelation that we, the people, have a voice and through the democratisation of content and ideas we can once again unite around common passions, inspire movements, and ignite change” – Brian Solis

The above quote in very few words summarises the essence of how creating a good social media feed for businesses can help them holistically, especially in 2021 when there are so many businesses that are only operated within the online space with social media being their prime driver of reputation.

A social media environment is the interactive, chaotic, complex, and powerful voice of a customer channel. The companies can’t just ignore this in today’s context. The relevant public conversations raised by consumers are potential customers for the brands and companies and hence it helps in identifying the current trends and conversations. Today the most talked-about issues and conversations are born on the internet. In such times, the companies can use their social media handles to participate in them.

Social media data may create huge business outcomes if a company utilises this data in the right way. Since it could easily be misinterpreted, it is rather difficult to use this data for reaping the benefits out of it. This question is not only about the technology to be used, but more importantly how to use it.

Having talked about the immense possibilities of handling social media handles, here are some of the social media moves, that might potentially impact the reputation of companies in a good or bad way:

Not paying heed to Consumer’ feedback:  This one bites back most of the organisations in their roots as not paying heed to feedbacks affects the image and reputation of the brands intensely.

Wrong marketing moves:  When Pepsi chose Kendall Jenner for their ad campaigns, nobody ever thought, this will end up starting a conversation about celebrity abuse, but it did, and Pepsi had to apologize at the end for their choices and clear their motives.

Not recognizing the changing climate and woke consumer base: When “Fair and Lovely” did not realize the change around the perspective of skin color among the millennials, it hampered their brand reputation so much that recently they announced an update in the name of the product line as “Glow and Lovely”.

Participating in right movements: So many apparel brands, after participating in the body positivity conversation gained customer engagement and boost their sales. Today most of the popular brands in the niche are following the trend and gaining from it.

Some Key Takeaways

  • As per Ambassador 71% of consumers who have had a good social media service experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others.
  • Social customer service is new marketing.
  • Social media boosts brand loyalty.
  • Social media is the new marketplace for majority of the brands.
  • Social media adds a new dimension to customer service and as per recent studies more than 40% of the consumers expect a response on social media within one hour.
  • Social media helps brands collect first hand customer feedback even at a prototype stage.

Therefore, to conclude it is no more the use of social media platforms to reach more customers, engage with your audience, and build brand awareness are some of the positive impacts of social media on business. However, to avoid its negative aspects on your business you can follow certain brand ethics of honesty, trustworthiness and be cautious while sharing content on social media platforms.

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